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Organizational Development

Training & Empowering Your Team

Recognizing that incorporating gender perspectives in different areas of development ensures the effective achievement of other social and economic goals, Amaka Consulting guides community development organizations in assessing the different policy and program implications for women and men of any planned policy action, and programs, in all areas and levels of community development priorities.

Organizational Development: Project



Mainstreaming gender-based services, and mainstreaming gender perspectives to enable The Haven Project Inc (THP)'s alignment with gender sensitivity expectations both in its services and in any programs and partnership program activities.


Mainstreaming a gender perspective in The Haven's programs, services, community interaction, and work relationships with policymakers, the community and other stakeholders involved with protecting and providing service to victims of domestic violence.


Utilizing the Discursive Approach to gender mainstreaming, Amaka Consulting:

  • Conducted extensive research and analysis of public policies and service issues surrounding domestic violence, and updated the agency's policies and working documents with gender-sensitive language, and frame the domestic violence issue in a way culturally and politically familiar and appreciative to the Liberian context.

  • Prioritized gender equality as a goal and mainstreaming as a strategy by ensuring that all programs and services, as well as interactions with the Government of Liberia, and other partners reduce not increase gender inequalities.

  •  Incorporated gender consciousness into decision making regarding services, employment, upliftment, and habilitation of women victims of abuse.

  • Mainstreamed advocacy, decentralization, transparency, accountability, and ethics in gender issues at grassroots & community levels by designing strategies for incentivizing private sector actors to participate in advocacy and multisector outreach relevant to Haven’s gender focus; assisted in grants management to support capacity development objectives.

  • Independently led the design and implementation of research, evaluation studies, and sustainability for key interventions and initiatives; and oversaw and managed all consultants, data collection, and data analysis.

  • Identified fundraising sources including foundations, and led grant preparation efforts.


Christina Synue

Executive Director

The Haven Project Inc.

Mask Building 2nd Floor

New Georgia Junction, Somalia Dr 

+231.77-86-HAVEN (42836)

Organizational Development: List
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